Columbia, SC
Higher Education
Historic Renovation
Design Services
USC - The Barringer House Renovations
Originally constructed circa 1950, the historic Flora M. Barringer House is a two-story brick structure with a sloped metal roof set over a crawlspace and partial basement located at 1731 Senate Street on the University of South Carolina’s Columbia, SC, campus. The structure formerly served as the UofSC Alumni House and has continued to be used as an event venue that includes an attached sunroom and renovated gardens in the back.
In 2016, GMK Associates was retained by the University to complete an engineering feasibility study and budget cost estimate for the complete HVAC replacement (and other needed mechanical, electrical, and plumbing upgrades) as well as remediation of water damaged finishes at the historic building. Following the study, GMK was further retained for full architecture/engineering designs for the HVAC replacement, including plans/specifications for the following: HVAC system; plumbing fixtures and piping; electrical power systems; electrical lighting systems; minor wall modification for creation of toilet rooms and mechanical chases; mediation of termite-damaged basement walls; and other miscellaneous repair items identified in the feasibility study. Designs for the water remediation included plans/specifications for wood flooring; plaster walls in the front vestibule; and minor window repair. These renovations were completed in 2018.
Under a separate task order in 2019, GMK was further retained to provide professional design services, plans, and specifications for major upfits to the 2nd floor of the Barringer House for use as a residence for the former University president, as well as for general office space. This task order also included re-purposing the 1st floor for future use as specialized museum space in conjunction with a major European-based historical non-profit organization. The upfits and renovations were completed in 2021.
In August of 2021, the University announced that the Barringer House would be home to a permanent exhibition and educational program in partnership with the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, becoming one of only four partner sites in the world and the only one in North America. The other official partners are in Berlin, London, and Buenos Aires. The new Anne Frank Center serves as an educational resource for students, the University, and visitors nationwide, and incorporates a gallery, a museum, learning spaces, and a contemplative garden area.